6:15 am - Alarm goes off, hit snooze a couple times. What to wear? Oh yeah the same thing everyday!

7:00 am - Off load trees from the delivery at the office with Sarah, building muscles, feeling good.
7:30-11:00 - Sit on my butt and organize stuff for my next two plantings in my cubicle.
7:30-11:00 - Sit on my butt and organize stuff for my next two plantings in my cubicle.
11:30- 12 - Meet a board member at Kaiser to mark 12 spots for trees. Yay!
12:30- 2:00 - Survey and work on 5 trees in Hayes Valley, that I planted in November. I should have brought a ladder. Oh well.
2-3:30 - Make calls and write e-mails for my upcoming plantings.
3:30 - 4:30 - Work my ass off at the gym, or should I say get an ass. :)
4:45 - Buy myself a Just Deserts cake, I deserve it!
5:15 - Shower my sweat off and look at my twenty something naked body one last time...
5:45 - Feeling good and high on life, dance around my room to 80's music, with my clothes on.
5:45 - Feeling good and high on life, dance around my room to 80's music, with my clothes on.
6:00 - Make a White Bean Fennel soup with many items from my CSA: fennel, onion, garlic,
chard, tomatoes...
6:30 - Wait for the soup to simmer and write on my blog. I wish I had a glass of wine, but I should save myself for tomorrow.
7:00 - Devour the soup. OMG it is so good! I have lunches for the rest of the week. I wonder what else I can eat, maybe some cake? I wish I had bought some good cheese and bread at the market :(
7:30 - I have no will power and eat a piece of cake.

7:30 - Sew the Rock N Roll dress (another post about this later) while listening to Radio Valencia

10:00 - Watch Bob's Burger's and some Dancing with the Star's on Hulu. I know Dancing with the Star's what? It's lame, but get sucked in....
10:45 - Think about tomorrow and how great the last week has been and drift into dream land...
Is that not what you expected for my last day as a twenty something? Well I thought it was a great last day!!!!!!!!
In my twenty's I had some very hard times, but also many good times. I am ready to say good bye to my twenty's and move onto a new chapter in my life in the dirty 30's club.