It's been awhile. I have been busy, but I have made two things in the last few weeks. I recently went down to San Diego for my good friend Lisa's wedding. I had the dress, but I wanted a bolero to wear just in case I got cold. I used the pattern above. I picked a fabric at the store and sewed the bolero. I went to try it on with my dress and it was ugly!!!! The fabric was so wrong. Bert came up with the idea to use that one as the lining. So I bought a much better fabric that went great with the dress. So I made another one, but the tricky part is the sleeves and how to add the lining to the jacket. I had my class 2 weeks ago so I took it in and the instructor helped me line the jacket. She said that it is not intuative. Thanks Alicia! I am very excited because everything I have made does not have sleeves and now I know how to fully line a jacket. It fit me well.
Long story short I never wore it! :) Pictures of me above at the wedding not wearing it. I was the person to have people sign the guestbook and take the gifts. (Miranda) The wedding was beautiful and fun!
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