I am thankful for my friends who let me be myself, who laugh at my jokes even when there not funny, who listen when I have serious things to say and who are always willing to grab a drink.
I am thankful for my ex-boyfriend who is still my good friend.
I am thankful for foreign currency and women who take maternity leave.

In high school I made my family these Native American and Pilgrim paper hats to wear at dinner (not very PC) and I also made them write down what they were thankful for (12 years later I am still just as lame). My brother is 4 years older then me and he was in college at the time of this. He wrote I am thankful for:
- my video camera and my eminent fame in the entertainment industry
- credit cards
- paper hats
- family and friends
- life
- the luck I've had because it is about to run out
- college (drinks, girls and unadulterated fun)
On that note I hope whatever you are thankful for you have a great Thanksgiving!
cute...and your hair is so long...never seen it like this...and i am thankful for you.