I have moved yet again, but I already feel at home. I never felt at home at the last two places, so this is a good start. I moved to Hayes Valley in the inner part of San Francisco. For almost 8 years I have lived in the outskirts of the city, where it has been mostly, quite, residential, families, no scenes and has parking. Now I live in Hayes Valley on a busy street and I hear the city out my window. The cars and sirens whizzing by actually make me feel happy and young. Yes I'm weird! My new sewing space is all set up and I love it. Every morning I wake up and feel inspired because I have a clean neat workable space. This is the creative space I have been wanting. My room has tall ceilings, a chandelier, fire place, bay windows and long curtains; all of which add to the lovely space.
I wouldn't have choose Hayes Valley for myself because the neighborhood is a little poshy, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. It is a central location and close to most everything. My roommates are great! Super friendly, mature and fun. A few days ago we had a roommate dance party in the kitchen.
The neighborhood:
I look forward to creating my next projects in my new home...bikini, boat shade thing and a hairpiece.
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