At the start of December I moved into a new place. After a year at my old place it was time for me to move on. I moved to a house across the park. I am still in a non-exciting SF neighborhood, but that's the way I like it. My three other roommates are super nice and chill. My room has a nice view of the GG Bridge and the Bay with a patio. The house has a couple decks that look out to a forested park and we have a large yard with many trees, a greenhouse and a little secret cove. I plan on turning part of the yard into a vegetable garden and prune the existing trees and remove and plant new one's. There will be garden work parties to come. :) I am super excited! I am glad I made the change to move. It really has changed my life in a positive way.

My girlfriends came over to help me organize all my stuff. It was more like an intervention. "Now Sally do you really need this?" They would say in a nice way and I would reply "Yes I frigin do, you don't understand!!!!!" :) It was a pretty intense afternoon, but it helped me get rid of stuff and get organized in my new smaller space. Luckily we are all still friends.

My new sewing area went from this to that. It's not as nice as my old one, but I will make it work!
Now that I have my new space I have started a new project. I am going to make a button down
tunic, "the liverpool." A tunic is a shirt that is inbetween a top and a dress. I am using Amy Butler fabric and pattern. I will get to learn how to do a french seem and collar. Oh boy, fun stuff!

So last year my 2010 ten sewing resolutions were: make a dress form, be inspired by vintage, use recycled materials, be inspired by nature, use solid colors, use new techniques, buy a serger, make lingerie, explore men's wear, have fun, relax and sew sally sew.
Here is a collage of all my projects in 2010. I think I met about 50% of my resolutions. That's pretty good.
I was asked by my brother what my resolutions are for 2011. I said I didn't really have any, but as I have had time to think about it I came up with a few:
SEWING: I keep buying things from thrift store to alter, so my goal this year is to alter them all and make them into new things before I start too many new projects.
LIFE & WORK: Next month I start taking a semester long Horticulture class and I hope to learn about gardening and urban farming and to clean up the back yard and start my own garden. I also want to have an even more positive outlook and just be happy as much as possible.
2010 has been the best year of my life so far. I still love San Francisco, I love my job and very thankful for it, I love my friends and family and I am healthy. I am looking forward to 2011 and turning 30. I am off to Tahoe tomorrow to celebrate New Years with close friends.
I hope you all have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! I have a feeling that 2011 will be great!
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