Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pregnant Raggedy Anne

Let's see Halloween, Philly/Jersey/New York City business trip, Thanksgiving, a few large tree plantings, moving to a new place, and I'm sure there was more drama mixed in there somewhere....but now I am all settled in and ready to sew again. But before that let's go way back to the night of October 31st when my Laughing Sal costume was thought to be a Pregnant Raggedy Anne costume. Some of the parents at the "Scarecade" got my costume and then one other girl, native to San Francisco, at the costume party we went to got it as well. I think you need to be the judge...

Instead of having a Haunted House this year Bert made a "Scarecade." It was a blast and a good turnout for a Sunday and the Giants were playing! He made all these games from scratch and the kids lined up around the corner to take 5 tickets and play 5 games. I gave out tickets and worked the Whack A Ghoul. It was 5 straight hours of ciaos.

I also worked on Bert's costume. He was a circus barker. I made the vest, the armbands and I made the old vintage pants larger by adding side panels. Bert made his hat out of place mats. I think we looked great and went with the old school arcade theme pretty pretty well.
Some of my favorite costumes were my friend Megan and her man's homemade hawk costumes and Kelly's SF tourist costume.

I think my costume turned out good for not having to sew much this year. But whoever I was that night, Pregnant Raggedy Anne or Laughing Sal I think she had a good time, even though I didn't win any costume contests!

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